Tag: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Intelligent Automation: Hyperautomation or Just Hype

Many terms describe the automation trend used by various organizations: Intelligent Automation, Cognitive Automation, Cognitive RPA, and even Hyperautomation. These are all variations on a theme, even if each source promoting them tries to distinguish them from each other. The bottom line is that Intelligent Automation is the combination of the process automation with some type of decision (inference) capability, typically Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI could be machine learning, deep learning, cognitive vision, etc. that infers a decision using data versus traditional programming. We will use Hyperautomation interchangeably with Intelligent Automation for practical purposes.

We explore how Intelligent Automation is achieved.

Leveraging Automation to Improve Compliance – KYC

Automation transforms businesses. By targeting manual, repetitive, and routine processes, automation lowers cycle time, and reduces errors. At the same time, it decreases the amount of human effort. Reducing errors also lowers cost by removing the time/effort to remediate human errors in the process. There are many areas in an enterprise that can benefit from automation. In the Financial Services industry, compliance and risk management presents a key area…
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How Do I Get Started with Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a digital technology that automates tasks in business processes.  RPA fits best in high volume, rule-based, and repetitive tasks. Often these tasks come in the form of data entry and migration tasks. RPA is especially useful when the interactions are with older, legacy applications. Most RPA works at the user…
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Cognitive Automation – Intelligent Automation – Part 2

As mentioned in the previous article, Intelligent Automation is the intersection of process automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In part 1, we talked about the role of RPA as a driver in improved quality, improved efficiency, and lowering the cost of business.  This is achieved by software that can script every day human-computer tasks…
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