Automation Downstream
While process and task mining tools assist companies in determining precisely how a task / process is being performed by their employees, they do not provide detailed analysis of how automation will impact the company economically. As such, it is difficult for management to determine the specific savings by role within their company.
The Automation Downstream tool uses inputs from a wide array of task and mining tools to quickly assess which roles can be automated and to which extent.
This tool is based on the Department of Labor’s job breakdown to determine what a person does in their job. The inputs from the process / task mining tools are then used to determine potential savings.
It provides a breakdown of automation potential and efficiency increase by role in percentage of full-time equivalents and in dollars. Below are examples from the procurement process. The same analysis can be performed for any role in your organization.
Automation Downstream (Procurement Example)
Pre-written Digital Workers
If you are contemplating building your bots from scratch, please talk with us first.
It requires considerable time and investment to create 180 automated RPA components for your SAP instance. The pre-written digital workers are SAP ECC and HANA compatible and are currently being used in production installations. They automate your administration and finance (bills and invoices), purchases (production orders and warehouse materials) and sales and logistics (order to cash).
Bill, Matt and Fiorella have more than 180 pre-configured automations for SAP, working through BAPIs (Business APIs) without using the graphical interface to be 100% compliant with SAP.
Critical Automation Tools
Criteria-Based Decisions and Smart Alerts: This component can be added to decision-making boxes within processes, using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence to refine a bot’s criteria on decision making and the need or escalate to a human if required. This module learns from your organization to make decisions based not only on general parameters and best practices but in the way you like to do business.
Business Scenarios: Since no two digital transformation projects are the same, this component aligns automation potential (as calculated with Automation Downstream) with the client’s business strategy, enabling processes to be automated according to best practices and potential scalability of the organization itself while also maintaining best SAP practices and full SAP compliance.
BDW on Cloud Editor: Once an automation project has been modeled, this component translates and integrates it with the client’s preferred automation platform, so that each company can work with the RPA platform it has chosen to best fit its strategy. If your company has not chosen an RPA platform, we will make recommendations as to the one that will integrate best with your automation potential.
These products were created by developers working in a Great Place to Work environment under certified CMMI/DEV3 methodologies, recognized by HFS for innovation.